Love and justice
by George Pattery
Alberta, Canada

Much to say about love. however want to make an intervention regarding the treatment of love in pope Benedict's encyclical. Many points are praiseworthy, especially a very cogent presentation of love from Greek philosophical tradition, between Eros and Agape. However that remains the weakness of the encyclical. The Biblical notion of love and fidelity and the eastern notion of karuna are richer. To confine an encyclical to one particular philosophical tradition sounds weak and partial. Besides, the notion of love in the encyclical is rather impoverished when it is treated in relation to justice. It almost looks like love and justice are incompatible, that

the role of the 'church' is charity and
the role of the Government is justice;

what happens when the Government itself is unjust? Does not the biblical notion of love of Yahweh includes doing justice to the anawim of Yahweh? - the widows, the children, the foreigner?

Love, it looks to me, is rich when it is taken in the context of fidelity to one's true self, to the Self (God) and to other selves. Then it can embrace justice as well.